Formation, Innovation, Transport

The second newsletter of the e-ManTRA project is out!

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The most exciting news: The testing phase is up and running and the consortium is looking for even more volunteer testers.

Co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme, the e-ManTRA project aims to equip trainings for transport managers all over Europe with effective and inclusive tools, training material and teaching methods to ensure distance teaching and online learning, continuous learner monitoring as well as the evaluation of achieved learning outcomes.

In the first phase of the project, the partners worked on the development of guides and digital tools. 

A test phase of these tools is starting this month! 

e-ManTRA: Virtual multi-user environment 

One of the goals of the e-ManTRA project is to create distance learning tools for transport manager training, which increase sociality and interactivity between participants. This is the main purpose of the e-ManTRA virtual multi-user environment, which favours group work and is fun and immersive for the learners.

To learn more 

The e-ManTRA card game on European Social Regulations "Master of Transport"

The e-ManTRA card game allows a gamified revision of the European social regulations on driving and rest times as well as other relevant knowledge for transport managers (customs, Incoterms, maritime & multimodal transport, etc.).

To learn more 

The e-ManTRA "Seal the Deal" escape game 

We are all aware of the difficulties learners have in focusing their attention in the classroom. To capture the attention of their learners, teachers or trainers must constantly renew themselves. The Covid-19 health crisis has amplified the need to put in place innovative teaching methods to support professionals in the field of education. To this end, we have created an immersive escape game called "Seal the Deal": an immersion in the heart of road freight transport exploitation. 

The learners will have 60 minutes maximum to gather their skills in order to satisfy the call for tender of a demanding client. She wants a quality service delivery, while reducing the carbon footprint of the operation, on a tight budget.

Accept the challenge and have fun!

To learn more

If you are interested or have any questions about e-ManTRA and its developments, please do not hesitate to contact us! 

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